Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Year - New Beginning

I know, I know, that title is so generic, and everyone always starts out a new year trying to say they are ready for a new beginning. But, I really am ready for some big changes in my life to happen this next year. I have not written on this blog in a REALLY long time, and I am planning on making it a goal to blog at least once a week beginning in 2010, if not more. I am not giving myself a maximum - if I feel like writing, I will write. I just want to see where this goes. I really doubt I will even have any readers. But, beginning in 2010, I might even let people know this blog exists, so I will just have to see if anyone decides they want to read it or not. I bombard people with multiple status reports on Facebook all day long, so I am thinking maybe a blog might be a better outlet, so as not to clog up someone else's feed with all my little stuff throughout the day. Instead, I can just write to myself throughout the day, and then post it all on here once, and then just share it on Facebook. We will just have to see. So, this is gonna be my 2009 wrap-up, even though I haven't even posted in Just gonna write it down, what all happened in 2009, and see how it goes. Bear with me, and if you can't take the length, I am sorry. You can always check back in 2010 and see if my posts have shrunk in size.

Well, at the beginning of 2009, everything was going pretty well for me. I had a great job, and Gavin was doing well in school. Gavin had missed a few days because of illnesses of varying degrees, and I, in turn, had missed a couple days of work. Starting around February he started getting sick a lot more than normal, and I started missing work more frequently. I had no back-up babysitter and so if he missed, I missed. Also, I started having car trouble around that time, as well. Work was not enjoying me missing so much, because I had things to do and I wasn't getting them done in a timely fashion. So, needless to say, in April, I lost my job. They had given me multiple opportunities to redeem myself and it just seemed like nothing was helping, so I understand their need to remove me from the equation.

So, there I was, without a job, again. I had gone to school for Accounting Specialist, which is basically just learning basic Accounting Principles, and bookkeeping skills. I had not worked in the industry, only learned the basics. Once I had graduated, no would hire me without experience. My last job was as a Marketing Assistant, which basically just meant do what the Marketing Manager asked me to do. I loved it!

Anyway, so I could not find a job, and my rent was starting to become a problem, and there was no place for me to go in FL, and I had a friend I knew from Morganfield, KY. I had never heard of it, until I met my friend in 2006. She offered me a place to stay in Morganfield, and said they had apartments that were low-income apartments that had no waiting list. Typical wait time in FL was two to four YEARS, so I prayed about it and looked at all my options, and it felt like the right idea. So off I went (well, came) to KY.

The trip was long, and we made it here in three days, with a side trip to Shriners Hospital in Lexington. My son needed casts off, and so we made our appointment up here so we could go ahead and get familiar with the Shriners here. Gavin has been with Shriners since he was two and they always take good care of him.

We moved here in June, and were in our apartment in July. I like it here. I have had some ups and downs here, but I have found a wonderful church home, and Gavin has some good friends already. He played soccer this fall and is in school, and just enjoys life. Gavin had surgery on 12/10 and we had to go three hours away to have the surgery, but he lots of people who prayed for him and asked about him during the whole process. We have also been blessed this year for Christmas, he has had a lot of blessings. He is just a great kid in general, and I can't wait for the next year to see what all happens.

So, after reading this, if you still would like to read my future posts, I hope you don't get too bored. If not, I understand. This is just kind of an experiment on my part. And the choice to read or not is your own. I have set my goals, and I think my writing may improve if I continue on this. Just let me know what you think. This was just kind of a "catch-up" post. I am sure once I start weekly posts, my writing style will change. But, ultimately the people reading decide if they want to continue. I hope you do.

Merry Christmas everyone and I wish you a Blessed New Year! Looking forward to beginning on a new adventure.


Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm glad that you are doing this. It will be a great outlet for you. I should do it too but sometimes afraid to put what I feel out there. I'd been meaning to ask you if you'd checked with FAFSA to see if you could qualify for the government to pay tuition for you fulltime to go to school online? I thought with the time on your hands that you might enjoy that.

Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said... Best Blogger Tips

Well, I for one am looking forward to making a new cyber friend in you!!!
Hope you and Gavin have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Pamela in TX

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips
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