Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Rambling

It's Monday, and since it's summer, and I am unemployed, Monday doesn't really bring any kind of dread to our household, right now. If we didn't have so many scheduled events throughout the week, we probably wouldn't even realize what day of the week it is. School has been out for over a month, and Gavin has gotten used to staying up a little later, and sleeping in a little later. Of course, he still wakes up pretty early, no matter what time of the year it is. This time of year, though, he gets to stay up a little later, and he really likes that. During the school year, we have what we have dubbed "Stinky Fridays," where he doesn't have to take a bath, and can stay up as late as he wants, unless we have something to do on Saturday morning. If that's the case, he must take a bath, and go to bed at a decent hour. During the summer, those days have been shifted around.

Gavin is a pretty social kid. He loves to play outside with his friends, and will stay outside as late as I will let him. He rides his bike around the apartments, and will ride it over and over, on the same course. We have a rule, that he must come inside when the light in the parking lot comes on, and he has to be able to hear my voice at all times while he is outside. If it takes more than one time of me calling him, because he can't hear me, he comes in for the rest of the night, even if he has only been out for 15 minutes. 

As much as he enjoys his friends, and likes to play with them, he also has no problems playing inside alone, and keeping himself occupied. He does like video games, very much, but he also loves to read, and he loves to play other games, and play with all kinds of toys. He has lots of "action figures" and will correct me in a heartbeat if I call them anything but. He is particularly fond of wrestling, and has several wrestler figures, and a wrestling ring to play with them in. He is always doing something. It is rare to see him just sitting, doing nothing. He will watch TV or a movie, but he rarely sits still and quiet through an entire episode of anything. He is just all around active.

That's why this surgery is going to be tough, because there will be a few days where he won't be able to do his normal activities. I have some ideas of things to keep him busy, as much as I can. I didn't know this, but he told me that he remembers last time being in pain for a few days after the surgery, but I don't remember him saying anything about it. I know he'll be uncomfortable, and have that feeling of something in his eye (because there will be stitches in his eye/s), and I have to remind him not to rub his eye/s, as not to bust the stitches.  I just hope he isn't in much pain. I pray for comfort and peace for my little boy throughout the entire process. He is not anxious, as far as I can tell. He seems very calm, and looks forward to taking the trip, but doesn't look forward to not being able to open his eyes very well for a day or so. He remembers how it was 2.5 years ago.  

So, that was my Monday Ramble...I still don't have a lot of traffic on here, and it has actually become less over the last few days, so I guess I am not a good blogger. That's okay, though. I may not be entertaining, or funny, or interesting, but I am me, and I enjoy writing, so even if one person reads it, or heck, if no one reads it, that's okay. I would like readers, and even subscribers, but this is an outlet for me, and so far, I have gotten a lot out of it. Enjoy the rest of your Monday!

Thanks for reading!


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