Thursday, June 21, 2012

Taking A Break...For Now!

Since I started this challenge of writing every day, I haven't mentioned my lifestyle change that I began in January, so I thought I would write a little about it today. I don't plan on my blog becoming all about my lifestyle change, weight loss journey, health kick,  or whatever I choose to call it that day, but I am sure I will post about it from time to time, so I thought I would catch you, my readers (all 4 of you), up on what's been going on in my life.

It all began with a challenge.

I was asked to join a friend who was doing a "Biggest Loser" challenge with some of her friends, and I thought "Why Not? Can't Hurt To Try!" So, I agreed. I had been toying with the idea for a couple months, anyway, but this kind of helped to motivate me a little more. In preparation for this challenge, I started researching "diets" and workouts, and all kinds of things, plus I started looking into buying some at-home gear to help me. I joined, and read as much as I could about fitness on their forums. I decided that I was going to do things slowly, since that was what was recommended by a lot of experts, and I began counting calories, and working out. I have not cut anything out completely, but instead chose to modify my portions, and not eat unhealthy stuff ALL the time. I have upped my water intake, my veggie intake, and my protein, and have lowered my sugar, sodium, and fat intake...although, I still do eat those things, and eat things most people consider unhealthy. I also began working out, most days. I joined a gym, bought some stuff to work out at home, and began walking more. I lost 40 lbs, from late January, until June, but have since had to change some of my eating habits, and some of my exercise habits, and have gained a few lbs back. Only a few, though...I have been able to maintain the exact same weight for the past 2 weeks. This brings me back to why I originally posted this...

I am taking a short break, because I have some stuff coming up next week (my son is having surgery), and I need to focus on him, and not so much on my stuff, so I am going to not log calories or exercise until July 1. I plan to get right back at it, full force, beginning that day, though.

I don't feel like I have failed myself. I still think about what I am eating. I don't eat nearly as bad as what I ate, or nearly as much as what I ate, before January 30, 2012. Once I start back, it will be harder, because some of the reasons I have had to change my eating habits (financial reasons) will still be the same, but I plan to work on how I can do better at meal planning, healthier stuff with a tighter budget than before. I can step up my exercising, though, at home. I have no excuses, and now I have put it out on the World Wide Web, for all to see, and I plan to stick to my guns. 

So, Sunday, July 1, is a new month, and the beginning of a new week, so I will start a new person, to get the rest of this weight off, and get healthier, for myself, my son, and my life!

Thanks for reading!


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